September 23, 2008

OSLIS Updates


Hi folks,

Hope things are beginning to settle down to a rhythm now in the schools!  We are continuing to improve the OSLIS website with the help of Darci Hanning, our Library Development Technology Consultant.  Today she has added two new features for you.

1-       The ability to navigate from one OSLIS web address to another has been enabled.  That means that if you are on the secondary page and want to get to the secondary educators’ page, you now have only to go to the OSLIS Resources portlet and drop the menu down to the head to the location within OSLIS that you want!!!  YEAH!!!

2-       On the secondary page we have changed the name of the KidSearch link under Resources to English Language Learners Secondary.  It still takes them to the same resource but should feel a bit more comfortable for them to access.  Thanks to Garnetta Wilker for this suggestion!  Hope it helps.


We have hired a new School Library Consultant at the State Library.  She will begin October 13th.  I’ll be working with her for awhile to help her in the transition into this position.  Then I’ll be headed into retirement.  I hope you’ll all embrace her energies as she tries to catch up!!!  More about her later.


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