Start of the year activities

September 02, 2008

Hi folks,
Don't forget about the Scavenger Hunts from EBSCO to use with students for review or testing.  They are great to use at the start of the year. 
They are linked from
We are finalizing all the major issues that have been reported to us from the OSLIS website in the next week with our Plone consultant.  None of these should impact your use.  If you plan on having students register on the site, the school selection list should work soon.  If students have registered already, they will be notified to select their school once this is operational. More details will follow.
Keep using the FEEDBACK link at the top right of the screen for issues but remember to stay on the page that is where the issue resides.  That's how we find out about them and fix them!
THANKS so much and enjoy those kids!