OSLIS Facelift Over the Summer

June 8, 2009


The OSLIS content team and Darci Hanning, a technology consultant at the State Library, have been working hard on a new look and navigation for OSLIS.  We had several goals in mind:

  • Make the intro pages less text heavy. 
  • Make the site easier to navigate.
  • Stress the three major elements of OSLIS: information literacy lessons, Citation Maker, and statewide access to a general periodicals database.
  • Realign content within the info lit folders to make lessons easier to navigate.

The target go-live date for the new look is the first week of July.  If we have any hiccups with that, it could be as late as the end of July.  Our intent is to have changes in place before the start of school in the fall.

Concurrent with the go-live date, I will post an announcement that outlines the changes and explains the basics for how to use the site.  Also, I will try hard to update the OSLIS tutorials before the start of the new school year. 

Have a great summer.


Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
Library Development
Oregon State Library
250 Winter Street NE
Salem, OR 97301-3950