OSLIS Features: Search Box & Feedback

February 11, 2010


Please pardon the cross-posting.

Have you noticed the search box at the top of the OSLIS pages?  Use it to search for content like a favorite lesson or the OSLIST archives.  However, because content is published to different audiences, you first need to choose your skin or version (elementary or secondary? student or educator?) and then do your search.  For an example & screenshots of how searching for the same keyword in different skins can yield different results, see the attachment.

Also, if you ever need to report a problem about a page on OSLIS, please use the Feedback button located at the top right of OSLIS pages.  When you use Feedback instead of Contact, the form automatically includes the URL to the problem page.


Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
Library Development
Oregon State Library
250 Winter Street NE
Salem, OR 97301-3950