OSLIS Update

April 8, 2011

I've been testing OSLIS, and for me it's been stable for the last two days.  And, no problems have been reported to me in that time period.  (I'm not superstitious, but here's hoping I don't jinx it!)

If you experience OSLIS access or loading problems, please send me the details.
      What time?
      What kind of error (502? 503? Other?)  If possible, copy and include the error message.
      What does the screen look like, if it's a loading problem? Screenshots are helpful.

Thanks for your patience and help with this.  Through this process, I have learned that solving website problems is like peeling an onion.  Once one layer is gone (one problem is fixed), it can expose another problem.  Hopefully we've gotten to the core of the onion!


Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
Oregon State Library
250 Winter St NE
Salem, OR 97301