January 14, 2011

Registering for an Account on LearningExpress Library

Please know that if you want to register for an account on LearningExpress Library, you have to start on OSLIS. 

Follow these steps, and you should not have problems:
          Click on the LearningExpress logo from any Find Information page on OSLIS.
                    Secondary Student:     http://secondary.oslis.org/find-information
                    Elementary Student:    http://elementary.oslis.org/find-information
                    Secondary Educator:   http://secondary.educator.oslis.org/find-information                  
                    Elementary Educator:  http://elementary.educator.oslis.org/find-information 
          At the bottom of the center column on the LEL homepage, click on Register, found under New Users.
          Fill out the short form and click on Register.  (An email address is not required, but it is the only way to receive password reminders.)
                     Ignore any information about library card numbers, library vs. remote access, etc.
                     You do have to follow their rule that usernames and passwords must have at least 6 characters and cannot include spaces.
          Write down your username and password for future reference.

If you have questions, please ask.


Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
Library Development
Oregon State Library
250 Winter Street NE
Salem, OR  97301-3950

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