OSLIS Works for Me -- True for You?

March 30, 2011

Here's an update about the OSLIS access issue.  The company we are working with studied the problem and implemented site changes on Monday and Tuesday afternoons.  Since the changes have been in place, I have been able to repeatedly access the site, its three major resources (information literacy section, databases, and Citation Maker), and a My Stuff folder.

If you have any access issues with OSLIS this week (or anytime), please let me know.  It's helpful if you include the text of any error messages, screenshots that illustrate any problems, or both.

Please share this information with others you know or suspect are not on the OASL or OSLIST listservs.


Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
Library Development
Oregon State Library
250 Winter Street NE
Salem, OR  97301-3950