Mailing about OSLIS and Its Resources

October 23, 2012

Late last summer, the then-OSLIS Chair, Kate Vance, and I put together an OSLIS mailing. The goal was to get the word out about OSLIS and its resources, whether that served as a reminder or an introduction. Recipients were to include school library staff and principals in Oregon public and private schools as well as selected staff in Oregon school districts and ESDs. The mailing was ready to go, but with the OSLIS woes of last year, we put it on hold for a year. Well, it’s going out this week.

If your principal sticks his/her copy in your box, please use that as an opportunity to discuss OSLIS with him/her. One item in the mailing is a library checklist for school administrators that reviews some basics about OSLIS, the databases, and OSLIST. The checklist is one way to guide your discussion.

Note that the OSLIS, Gale, & LEL handout, which is another piece in the mailing, mentions the My Stuff folder. Recall that we did not pay to re-create that feature with the OSLIS rebuild because of free cloud options like Google Docs and Dropbox. Everything else should be accurate, except for the date on the letter. :-) If you want a current version of that handout, please ask.


Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
Oregon State Library
250 Winter Street NE
Salem, OR 97301