Which Gale Databases Should I Use When? => Gale K12 Database Comparisons & Relationships

October 8, 2012

With our Gale statewide contract, we have access to a lot of databases. On one hand, that’s great because of all the sources and information we can access. On the other hand, it can be a bit confusing to know what to use when. In an effort to help clear up some of that confusion, I created two documents a few years ago and updated them last month.

The one called “comparisons” highlights the databases that are specifically designed for a K12 audience and a few others that, while not designed for K12, can be helpful for many middle and high schoolers. As a simple starting point, if you work with students in grades K-5, I recommend starting with Kids InfoBits. If you teach middle and high schoolers, start with Student Resources in Context.

Find the documents at the very bottom of both educator Find Information pages: http://secondary.educator.oslis.org/find-information and http://elementary.educator.oslis.org/find-information.

As always, if you have questions about OSLIS or the databases, please ask.


Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
Oregon State Library
250 Winter Street NE
Salem, OR 97301