OSLIS Flyers for Teachers & Counselors

February 11, 2016


A month ago, I notified you about an OSLIS postcard mailing. By now you should have received an elementary or secondary version of the postcard, or both, depending on the grades that your school serves.* The postcard’s focus is ideas to maximize use of the OSLIS resources.

As promised, members of the OSLIS committee worked with a graphic designer to develop flyers based on those postcards, for you to share with staff. There’s a general flyer for elementary and secondary levels. Also, we adapted the secondary version to highlight subject-specific resources for English language arts, social studies, science & health, math, and counseling. All flyers have a place to enter your school’s Gale databases username before printing or attaching. Take a look!

Ideas for Sharing the Flyers
How might you share the appropriate flyers with staff in your building?

  • Print and distribute the flyers. (See, this can be easy!)
  • Share flyers at a staff, department, or level meeting.
  • Email various staff members and attach the appropriate flyer. Here’s a sample email to use:

Whether you’ve used OSLIS and its resources recently or never at all, you will want to check out these ideas for how to use OSLIS in your classroom. Remember, OSLIS guides students through the research process, provides access to databases of informational text and images, and offers a tool to create bibliographies. In addition, one of the databases helps students build skills in math, reading, and writing; prepare for college-entrance and AP exams; and explore careers. All of this is free to you and your students thanks to an LSTA grant from the Oregon State Library. Trust me, it will be worth your time to take a look at the attached flyer.

How to Access the Flyers
The flyers are located in the OSLIS Flyers folder in the OSLIS Digital Repository.

You will want to attach either the general flyer or the appropriate subject-area version to any promotional email you send to a teacher or group.

  1. Open the folder
  2. Click on a flyer
  3. Click the download icon
  4. Open the downloaded PDF
  5. Add your school’s Gale username and save
  6. Print, email, or share the saved document

If you have questions, please ask. Thanks for promoting OSLIS and its resources.


*If you did not receive the postcard, know that the content is very similar to the general flyers referenced above. If you are interested in asking in the school office about the postcard, it was large (6 x 11) and was addressed to library managers. We used the school address as listed in the ODE School Directory.

Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
Oregon State Library