Gale In Context DBs Have New Features and Functionality

April 6, 2018


The Gale databases are divided into “families” based on those that use the same interface. The databases that belong to the In Context family now have some new features and functionality. In our statewide contract, this includes Research In Context, Student Resources In Context, Opposing Viewpoints In Context, and U.S. History In Context. These are some of the new features:

  • Homepage banner has a new look
  • Can translate interface into 23 languages
  • Ability to send articles to Google Drive and to OneDrive is now individual option for each in the Tools box instead of needing to click on the Download option first
  • Topic Finder is now an option under Advanced Search (except for Research In Context)

For more details and screenshots, read the Gale blog post about the changes.

Here’s more about what Topic Finder is (scroll to T’s). The document has not been updated yet to reflect that In Context databases offer Topic Finder. However, the explanation still applies.

Any of Gale’s upcoming webinars about In Context products will highlight the new features. By May, the recorded webinars on In Context products should do the same.

Questions? Please ask.


Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
State Library of Oregon