MARC Records for Gale eBooks => Changes to GVRL Links & New Batch of Nat Geo Kids Records

October 5, 2017


As you may recall, MARC records for the eBooks in Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) and National Geographic Kids (NGK) are available for you to add to your library catalog. The records are available from the Gale support page for Oregon library staff. Please see the March 2017 OSLIST post for details.

New eBooks are regularly added to NGK, so every so often, Gale staffers add a new batch of MARC records that are available for download. A new batch was added in August.

Also, GVRL eBook MARC records now have direct linking to help users get into a book more quickly from your catalog. Links in records downloaded in the past led to the “About this Publication” page. Now, a link leads to the book’s “Table of Contents” page. Both types of links will work, it's just that the link in the newer MARC record is one step closer to book content. Anyone who downloaded GVRL MARC records in the past and who wants to take advantage of the new linking will have to download the records again to replace your existing records. Up to you. FYI, the links for NGK eBook MARC records will most likely change in early 2018.

Let me know if you have questions.


Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
State Library of Oregon