Gale: Fewer GVRL eBooks, DB Name & Interface Changes, & Summer Video

May 16, 2019

Hi Folks, 

Here are some updates related to the Gale databases. 

Reminder: Fewer GVRL eBooks
Over the last few weeks, I received questions from some library staff who thought they had access to certain eBooks in GVRL but got error messages when they clicked on the MARC records for those eBooks in their catalog. Here’s a reminder that when we renewed our Gale contract in August, we gained two new databases but lost access to a chunk of eBooks. I encourage you to remove the MARC records in your catalog for GVRL eBooks that we no longer have access to. Details are in this August 31, 2018 message that was posted to the OASL and OSLIST listservs. Pay attention to the sections called “GVRL Title Lists” and “Update GVRL MARC Records.” 

Heads Up: Changes to Database Names & Interfaces
Also, here’s a heads up that Gale will change some database names and make some adjustments to database interfaces over the summer. I believe that GVRL and the In Context databases’ names and icons will change. Also, tools such as bookmarks and the translate option will be grouped differently, and many will appear near the top of database pages. When Gale staff share specifics, I’ll share those with you. However, if you watch the summer video, you’ll be able to see some of the interface changes. One example is at the 0:28 second mark. 

Summer Video
The folks at Gale created a 1-minute video designed to encourage students to use the databases over summer vacation. You are welcome to include the link on your library, school, and/or district website; send it in newsletters; share it on social media; etc. Now that we have geolocation, users who forget their Gale login can still access the databases.

If you have questions, please ask. 


Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
State Library of Oregon