Gale & LearningExpress Webinars & Video Tutorials

April 6, 2021

Updated on 9/30/21


As you likely know, through a statewide contract from the State Library, all Oregon libraries have access to a suite of Gale databases and to LearningExpress Library/PrepSTEP. The central K-12 access point is the Find Information page on OSLIS (elementary, secondary).

Training opportunities from the vendors: 

FYI, WebJunction posts a list of free upcoming webinars related to libraries. The page is refreshed at the beginning of every month. Scan the list for the category called School Libraries, although you might be interested in offerings in other categories, too. The State Library's continuing education LibGuide and calendar of events includes the WebJunction offerings and some that are specific to Oregon. 


Jen Maurer
School Library Consultant
State Library of Oregon