LearningExpress Library's PrepSTEP for HS (Webinar on 1/19)

December 16, 2020

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The statewide contract with EBSCO for LearningExpress Library (LEL) was recently renewed, and we now have access to PrepSTEP for High School. It’s basically a consolidation of the resources in LearningExpress Library that are most relevant to high schoolers. Additionally, PrepSTEP allows for the option to integrate with a few learning management systems (LMS): Blackboard, Brightspace, and Canvas. That functionality allows teachers to assign LEL/PrepSTEP content to students within the LMS.

Two LearningExpress staff are offering an overview webinar on January 19, 2021 from 3:30 – 4:30 pm Pacific for interested Oregon school library staff, teachers, and counselors at the high school level. Registration is required, and the plan is to record the session.

To clarify, there will be a high-level overview of what LearningExpress Library offers, but most of the webinar will focus on comparing the groups of resources that are available in LEL vs. PrepSTEP and providing some information about the optional LMS integration. A PrepSTEP flyer will be available soon. [Update on 1/15/21: The flyer is now available.]

(But, wait. What is LearningExpress Library, you ask? It’s a special database that offers resources to help students and adults prepare for tests like SAT and GRE; build skills in reading, writing, and math; hone resume-writing and interview skills; explore some careers; understand the basics of some life skills like study habits and money management; and more. Content is mostly relevant to middle and high school, and access is on the Find Information page of OSLIS.)

Questions? Please ask.


Jen Maurer
School Library Consultant
State Library of Oregon