Share My Learning

Now that you have revised your project, it is time to present it -- to share your learning.

Presenting your finished project is as simple as ABC -- Assemble, Be Sure, and Celebrate!

ssemble everything
you need to turn in or to use with your presentation before it is due. Don't wait until the last minute.

  • Put it in a location where you won't forget it when you leave for school, or
  • Arrange a way to get it to school ahead of time (especially if it is fragile), and
  • Put it where you won't lose it in your desk or classroom.

e sure
  • ...for written papers:
    • You have the correct due date or the correct time for your presentation.
    • Your name on your project.
    • You included the citations/bibliography.

  • ...for technology presentations:
    • Practice your presentation on the equipment you will be using before your due date. If possible, show it to someone else.
    • Make sure you have all of the technology pieces you need, and that all are fully charged or have a power supply.
    • If something goes wrong with the technology, have a print copy to help you talk your way through the presentation.

  • ...for oral presentations:
    • Whether you created a research paper, a diorama, a model, a video or wrote a speech, you may need to present in some format to your classmates. It may be a complete speech, an explanation of the process of creating your model, or just an introduction to your video. No matter which one, practice, practice, practice.
    • Speak slowly and clearly so the person in the back row can hear you, don’t read off your notes, do look at your audience at different times, and do say thank you to your audience when you are done.
    • Gather all of your support materials and practice by presenting the speech to others.
    • Be prepared to answer questions about your research. If you don’t know the answer, don’t bluff it. Just say, ”Great question. Guess I have more research to do!”
Celebrate your success!

Next => Now that you have shared your learning, it is time to reflect on your learning.